Digital Footprints Are Good Script and Storyboard

What will my PSA will Convey?

This is where you write the summary of what your PSA will convey. It should be 5-6 sentences explaining your idea for the video.

Using your Development #3: 30 second PSA Script Worksheet and Development #4 Create a Storyboard create a Blog Post showing how your script and storyboard will guide you in creating your Performance Task: PSA Digital Literacy Video The link below is a guide on what your blog post should include.

What makes a good 30 second PSA?
A good 30 second PSA contains all the key messages and information laid out in a pleasing, yet succinct manner. The challenge is doing it in under 90 words. You’ll need a strong hook at the opening and a compelling call to action at the end.


Your digital footprint is the record of your interactions online… Leaving a positive digital footprint can be very beneficial to your reputation and future opportunities.


Your digital footprint are made up of the content you create, post you share; as well as the content that others post, and share with you and about you.

Close to 88% of the internet traffic in the U.S. is from apps on mobile devices.

70% of U.S. recruiters have rejected candidates based on information found on the internet.

This where you would add the 3-4 facts and statistics for your script. Remember that your PSA is only 30 seconds long. 90 words tops!


Close with a compelling call to action telling listeners to “call this number,” “talk to your doctor,” “visit this website,” or “attend the event.”

If you need more information about how to manage your digital footprint You should visit:

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