Bee’s Life Skills and Ethics

Create a blog post and name it ‘Your Name’ Life Skills and Ethics.

You must have an introduction paragraph (4-5 sentences) defining what life skills mean.

There must be at least 3 images relating to the topics below.

Using Development #4: 1040 Federal Tax and the following questions.

  • What were 3 things you found difficult about completing this form? Explain why each one was difficult.
  • What affects how much we pay in taxes? There are multiple answers for this question. Please name at least two (2) and explain why.
  • Write one (1) paragraph 5-6 grammatically correct sentences.

Using Development #5: Insurance in Your State

Think about the following statement then answer the questions. You  are an adult now and need insurance for various reasons. From health, to home, to car, to life insurance.

  • What insurances  will you be wanting when you enter the life with many responsibilities?
  • After you had researched a different state for this assignment, now look at New York insurance website and see what was different between the insurance of that state and New York. What is the same? 
  • Write one (1) paragraph 5-6 grammatically correct sentences.

Using Development #6: Ethics or Not?

Our code of ethics is derived from what we think is right or wrong. On top of that, we have to agree to the moral standards established by the society we live in. Conventional norms generally label theft, murder, or harassment as bad. However, there are many influences that impact our considerations and understanding of ethics. When you completed this assignment: 

  • How did you feel about your results. Did it make you questions your decisions? Why?
  • Do you consider yourself to be an ethical person?
  • Would you risk your life to save another person?
  • What are some ethical dilemmas you have faced?
  • Write two (2) paragraph 5-6 grammatically correct sentences each.

Conclusion paragraph (4-5 sentences). What are somethings you learn from the units on Taxes, insurance and ethics that you will now implement moving forward and will have lasting effects in the future.

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