WEEK #7: Rainbow



Directions: Take several photos that depict a rainbow. IT MUST BE A PHOTO YOU TAKEN THIS WEEK WITH YOUR OWN CAMERA!!! You have a week to explore the city! Please make sure you take several images  of different subjects and choose only one (1) of YOUR BEST PHOTO!! The photo must be big enough that I can see it.

Create a blog post and title it:’Week #7: Rainbow’

Color: is used by designers to portray mood, light, depth, and point of view. Designers use the color wheel and the tenets of color theory—a set of guidelines for mixing, combining, and manipulating colors—to create color schemes.

NOTE: All images must be taken by you and should be in color. You must take it in this week and not an old photo from your roll. Please answer the who, what, where, how, when, and why in your reflection. This must be in paragraph form and should be 5-6 grammatically correct sentences. Ask yourself how it represents the elements of design: color.

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