Week #8: Family & Food


Directions: Take several photos that depict all of the principles of design and elements: balance, alignment, texture, repetition and pattern, shape, and color. This is Thanksgiving Break where you come together celebrate. Share and document your moments of celebration. Have fun with your photos. You can take as many photos as you want and post in the blog by creating a a gallery slide show or tiled gallery.

Create a blog post and title it: ’Week #8: Family & Food’

Tips on Taking Candid Photos: 

  • Use burst mode. …
  • Practice in environments that lend themselves well to candids. …
  • Blend in. …
  • Pay attention to details. …
  • Look for contrast. …
  • Pre-compose the shot. …
  • Make your subjects comfortable. …
  • Use different perspectives.

NOTE: All images must be taken by you. You must take it in this week and not an old photo from your roll. Please answer the who, what, where, how, when, and why in your reflection. This must be in two (2) paragraphs form and should be 5-6 grammatically correct sentences each.

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