Career Management Lessons

This is a brief overview of what you will learn in the first half of CFM. Your ideas, goals, interest, and hobbies are the meat and potatoes of this module. We will dive into what makes you an unique individual that can be employable in the real world. Below are the lessons that will help navigate the ‘I don’t know what I want to do’ to ‘I’m interested in becoming a …’ and creating the steps that will help you accomplish your goals.

L00 CM: Career Goal ListL09 CM: Internship/Student Resume
L01 CM: Identify Career GoalsL10 CM: Objectives and Key Results
L02 CM: Career HurdlesL11 CM: Online Presence
L03 CM: Hidden TalentsL12 CM: Website Homepage
L04 CM: My Dream Career Blog PostL13 CM: Smart Goals
L05 CM: Building My ResumeL14 CM: All Smart Goals
L06 CM: Digital ConnectionsL15 CM: My Future Goals Blog Post
L07 CM: Resume WritingL16 CM: All About Me
L08 CM: Job Posting KWLCM: Performance Task