Computer Infographic Commercial


Discover: I can analyze information to understand a challenge.

What should be in this section?

  • Resources:
    • Computer Infographic Commercial Entry Doc (google classroom)
    • Computer Buyer’s List (google classroom)
    • Project Review Computer Commercial (google classroom)
    • Any websites you visited or videos watched
  • Images that relate to the topic.
  • Text: Your text should be about 6-8 complete sentences. Grammar is very important please make sure you proofread and utilize the Design Thinking Process Worksheet.



defineDefine: I can provide informed descriptions of the specific tools, information, and steps that will be needed to meet this challenge.


What should be in this section?

  • Computer Infographic Commercial Entry Doc (google classroom)
  • Computer Buyer’s List (google classroom)
  • Define Computer Infographic Commercial (google classroom)
  • Design Thinking Process Worksheet (google classroom)
  • Any websites you visited or videos watched.
  • Text: Your text should be about 6-8 complete sentences. Grammar is very important please make sure you proofread utilize the Design Thinking Process Worksheet.



Design: I can generate testable solutions to meet the challenge.


What should be in this section?

Show work:

  • Sketches/storyboards, scripts, and any other work that shows your ideas formulated during this stage.
  • Using your Design Thinking Process Worksheet (google classroom), you can show your best two or three ideas (images).
  • This section should also include the pros/cons of the designs created, and what was the best choice. Your resource again is the Design Thinking Process Worksheet (google classroom).
  • Text: your text should be about 8-12 complete sentences. Grammar is very important please make sure you proofread utilize the Design Thinking Process Worksheet.




Develop: I can improve an existing design based on feedback.

What should be in this section?

  • Your final choice of design for your Computer Infographic Commercial and include:
    • The improvements you made to your design
    • List the resources (materials and supplies) you will need for your designs.
    • Write any problems you have and any changes you made to your designs and why.
    • Citations of research information from the internet.
  • Images from PowToons or internet that were used. 
  • Text: Your text should be about 6-8 complete sentences. Grammar is very important please make sure you proofread and utilize the Design Thinking Process Worksheet.


deliverDeliver: I can present a solution, artifact, or concept in finished form to its intended audience.


What should be in this section?

  • Your commercial: Screenshot, link, and reflection.
  • Text: Your text should be about 6-8 complete sentences. Grammar is very important please make sure you proofread and utilize the Design Thinking Process Worksheet.
  • You can use your
    1. Design Thinking Process Worksheet (google classroom) or
    2. Artist Statement (google classroom).

Computer Infographic Commercial Example

Computer Video