Prose ’17 – ’18


My work will be evaluated based and presented for review in the following:

  1. 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
  2. 3c: Engaging Students in Learning
  3. 3d: Using Assessment in Instruction

Goal: Increase student engagement, assessment through instruction, create protocols to foster questioning and discussion among students.


Purpose: I decided to focus on questioning and discussion, assessment, and engagement because students needed to be more engaged in their learning. I felt that if students worked on developing their ability to build upon each other’s responses and give detailed feedback they would improve their critical thinking skills resulting in higher mastery in their work and engagement in their classes.

Activities to be Undertaken that align with the Purpose and Area of Focus:


  • Using knows and need to knows in classes.studentcentered
  • Using post-it notes to capture student feedback.
  • Utilizing a variety of protocols for discussion in classrooms from the playbook including one mic norm, utilizing popcorn protocol.
  • Defining what the design thinking process should look like when students are project-based learning mode.
  • Creating scaffolded graphic organizers to assess student learning in each design thinking stage.


  • Participate in instructional rounds.
  • Identify the common problem of practice with others interested in design thinking.
  • Create descriptors that explain the design thinking process in the classroom environment.
  • Investigating the relationship between rigor and engagement in the classroom with inquiry rounds team.

Participate in reading protocol looking at design thinking with the inquiry rounds team.

  • Participation in discussion around benefits/drawbacks to the formalization of the design process.
  • Look at student work samples with inquiry team to identify common strengths and challenges.
  • Come up with a plan of action based on findings from rounds, reading, looking at student work.
  • Implement a plan of action.
  • Share presentation of learning with the larger school community.
    Repeat cycle.
  • Reflecting on leadership after observations on the connection between observation and progress